A 31 year old gal trying to figure out what to do,how to do it, and how to stay sane in life.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Thank you Pinterest for making me look smart
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Today is the day
There have been so many little moments that I felt like I was really becoming a parent, but I think today it really hit me. Today I realized that I was a parent, no matter what happens in the future, even if one day I am not with my BF anymore, my life and my perspective is forever changed.
I can say with absolute certainty, that the past two weeks have been the hardest of my entire life. From someone with a past of abuse and suicide attempts, that is saying a lot. In the past two weeks, my BF went to court to fight for his kids, then we had the maddening waiting, then I got fired. I have no job, and I have no idea what my life will look like tomorrow let alone next week.
More than once, I have sat and thought of myself ''why haven't I cracked?''. Far less pressure has pushed me over the edge in the past.
Last night, we had a hard decision to make, in a very delicate situation, with a lot on the line. One false move and the effects on our family could be irreparable. We have suspected for a while that something was happening to his youngest at their mom's, something that happened before and last night we got to a point where we had to act. We waited until the boys were asleep and bundled her up to go to the emergency room. My sister in law came over with her baby and sat with the sleeping boys.
We waited for the social workers, and her mom was called, I went home to wait and see. That is the most maddening part, the fact that in the most serious situations, I can do nothing, I just have to wait and trust that everything will work out. When they came back from the hospital, my SD came and snuggle in next to me in our bed and fell immediately asleep.
Later in the wee hours of the morning, their mom finally got her message and came over upset and my BF explained everything, well more like he angrily told her. I said that everyone should just calm down and that she should come back the next day. She left, and we attempted to sleep. I went to bed thinking to myself, ''this is it, I'm gonna wake up and I'm not gonna be able to get out of bed''. I don't know how I managed to fall asleep.
I woke up, got out of bed, and took care of the kids. I made lunch and waited with my BF for the kids' mom to come over. When she got here with her best friend the three of them went to talk to my SD. When they came out, they were visibly shaken. My SD told her mom what happened, and she looked terrible. I told her that we will make it through this, and that we will put aside all of our differences and do what is right for the kids. She thanked me and the three of them left for the police station to file the report.
After they left, I called a friend, and fellow step mom, to talk. I told her how I don't know how I am dealing with this, and then it hit me. I am dealing with this because I no longer have a choice. I thought about the last time when I stopped myself before an attempt, it was the first time I asked for help, and it was because I had my family here, I thought about them, I had a responsibility to them.
This time I think something inside me realized that I can't even allow myself to get to that point, this time I have a spouse and kids. I am more scared than ever before, I have more to lose than ever before, and apparently I am stronger than ever before.
Today I understand what it means to truly be a parent and put your family first.
Friday, November 15, 2013
I am thankful
I am thankful for my godson who was cool with me doing his birthday thing with him a week early because we were going to be in court on his actual birthday.
For my cousin who went shopping with me to get my mind off everything for just a few hours.
For the friend who is also a stepmom and who knows exactly what I was going through who helped me feel normal and let me vent my feelings without me having to try and explain why I felt that way.
For all the people who kept our spirits up telling us that we were doing the right thing and that i twill all work out.
For the guy at the court who smiled at me every time he walked past me sitting alone on my bench, he knew that it was my BF in there and would tell me not to worry he was doing fine.
For the judge, who stayed until 6pm to make sure he heard all of the case and that nothing was rushed, I know he was fair.
For my coworkers and boss who were very understanding with my absences and my general stressed out sate of mind.
For my BF, who helped me stay strong by being strong himself.
I am thankful for everyone around me who knows that waiting for the verdict is much more hellish on us than on them and not pestering me every day to know if the verdict is in. They actually believe me that when I have news, they will.
I am even thankful for his ex, for leaving me the hell alone and not speaking to me this week, thereby allowing me to mostly pretend she doesn’t exist.
This week I am thankful to be so blessed as to have all of these people in my life.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
On being Hated
The custody hearing is on Monday, we have done all that we can, gotten all of the reports and testimonys we can. All that is left is for my wonderful BF to tell his side on the witness stand, and their mom to tell hers, and then for a judge to decide. All the while I'll be sitting in the hall outside the courtroom, waiting and trying not to go crazy. I'm not allowed in the room you see, I'm just the stepmom.